Currently the code for Sh computation is written in Fortran.
Apple XCode has never included a Fortran compiler in its tool chain.
Support for Fortran codes is thus discontinued on MacOSX.
This code is still available for Linux and Windows users.
I recently noticed that this notice is no longer useful. The Sh Fortran codes were translated to C++ some years ago. Which release are you using? For sure, in 3.5.0-preview this is fixed. In 3.4.2, I'm not sure. 3.5.0-preview is available through our git repository, then you have to compile the code (tutorial on wiki).
Best regards,
I was using the stable 3.4 version. Currently in the process of installing 3.5 from git, but running into some silly issues that I'm sure are trivial. When trying to configure and build from the cloned git submodule:
Configure mseed
bash: configure: No such file or directory
Error while configuring geopsypack. Check above messages.
If you want to contact support, send a copy of the whole output.
Is it because of where I need to set the build and install dirs? Does the build dir have to colocated with Qt and FFTW? Apologies for all the trivial questions!