Geopsy package [src]
Release: 3.5.2
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Inversion | |||
dinver | 1.1.5 | Graphical environment to solve inversion problem using Neighborhood Algorithm or Monte-Carlo sampling. Various plugins are proposed here for solving common problems. You can define your own based on the template provided here below. | |
dinverdc | 2.1.3 | Inversion of dispersion curves (Rayleigh, Love, Phase and Group velocities, higher modes), autocorrelation curves, ellipticity curves, ellipticity peak and refraction travel times. Joint inversion are also possible. | |
dinverext | 1.0.6 | Plugin to run the forward computation in an external command. | |
dinvermatlab | 1.0.4 | Plugin to run the forward computation in Matlab. | |
Plotting | |||
figue | 2.0.7 | Figure edition. A graphical tool to merge various plots picked in all other geopsy softwares. Creating XY plot from command line is a breeze. It can also export to ps, pdf and bitmap image formats. | |
geopsyfigs | 1.0.2 | Plugin needed to export graphic signal from Geopsy to Figue. | |
gpcoord | 1.0.4 | Coordinate X,Y operations: distance, azimuth, conversion from/to lat/long, array limits,... | |
gpcurve | 1.0.4 | Curve processing: resample, cut, interpolate, derivate, integrate,... Exactly the same actions as inside Dinver (module dinvedc) but through a command line. It can also sample an analytical expression to generate functions. | |
gpdistance | 1.0.1 | Calculates distances and azimuth between named points (aka stations). Uses a lookup table for station coordinates. Such lookup is difficult to implement with awk, the reason for writing it in C++. | |
gphistogram | 1.2.3 | Constucts interactive 2D histograms from any data set (couples X, Y). | |
gpmaplayer | 1.0.4 | Build a geo-referenced background map from Google static API and save it as a .layer file. Useful for WARAN station positionning in urban environment. | |
gpsort | 1.0.1 | Sort curves stored in a text file (one after the other, various columns for X, Y,...). Usefull to re-order curves produced by gpspac and pipe them to figue in the correct order (play with option '-cpp'). | |
gptime | 1.1.3 | Converts time formats. | |
gpviewmax | 1.2.0 | Data analyser for Love/Rayleigh FK max files. | |
gpvoronoi | 1.0.2 | Generate Voronoi geometry (only for 2D) from a list of points. | |
screenpicker | 1.0.1 | Digitizer to pick curves on the screen | |
Python | |||
GeopsyPyCoreWave | 0.0.1 | Python interface to QGpCoreWave library: computation of dispersion and ellipticity curves. | |
GeopsyPySciFigs | 0.0.1 | Python interface to SciFigs library: an interactive ploting facility. | |
Signal Processing | |||
campbelltob3 | 1.0.2 | A module to load Campbell TOB3 files, written for CR6 | |
geopsy | 3.4.0 | Graphical environment to view, organize and process signals. Most of the geophysical file formats are automatically recognized. Geopsy features can be extended through plugin tools. A selection is available here below. | |
geopsyarray | 3.3.1 | Plugin tool to extract dispersion/autocorrelation curves from arrays of stations. It includes processing for both passive and active recordings. Main contributions from M. Ohrnberger and A. Khoeler (University of Potsdam). | |
geopsydamping | 2.1.4 | Plugin tool to compute damping: based on random decrement for a single station measurement. Based on original Phd work of F. Dunant (LGIT, 2005, These_fdunand.pdf). | |
geopsyhv | 4.0.4 | Plugin tool to compute H/V spectral ratios from single station ambient vibrations. A sub-product from SESAME European project (2001-2004) with main contributions from J.-L. Chatelain (aka 'Gaillot'), B. Guillier and P.-Y. Bard (LGIT). | |
geopsynr | 1.1.2 | Plugin tool to increase (or to try to) the signal to noise ratio in active seismic. Basic and enhanced stacking technique. T0 adjustment (even to a fraction of sampling period). | |
geopsyptmotion | 2.0.4 | Plugin tool to plot particle motion from 3-component recordings (projection on all planes). | |
geopsyrefra | 2.0.3 | Plugin tool to pipe picked arrival times from Geopsy to Dinver. | |
geopsytfa | 2.1.2 | Plugin tool to compute a time-frequency analysis based on Morlet wavelet. Main contributions from M. Kristekova (University of Bratislava). | |
gpfksimulator | 1.2.0 | Educational tool for FK array response | |
gpsignal | 2.0.4 | Computation of custom cosine signals. Stacks of multiple frequencies and phases. Support for phase shifts between various station locations. | |
hvtfa | 2.1.4 | Plugin tool to extract Rayleigh ellipticity from single station measurements (still experimental). | |
matfiles | 1.0.4 | Add import/export of Matlab .mat files as signals | |
max2curve | 1.1.3 | Old post processing tool for dispersion curves obtained from geopsyarray plugin tool. Obsolete and replaced by gphistogram, it is kept only to process .max file produced by hvtfa. Old .max files produced by fk can be analyzed by gphistogram. | |
phaseit | 1.0.3 | Plugin tool to compute the phase shift between a reference and other signals. Based on signal correlation, it studies the variation of coherence, phase and amplitude ratio versus time. | |
spac2disp | 1.0.5 | Post processing tools for SPAC method. Check consistency between autocorr curves computed for various rings. Based on original work from Wathelet et al. (2005). Support for 1C and 3C analysis. | |
vslarray | 1.0.3 | Virtual Seedlink Array: emulate a real-time WARAN acquisition from a Geopsy database. Requires the installation of Seiscomp>=2.6 with mscan plugin | |
Signal Processing Core Tools | |||
geopsy-fk | 1.0.5 | FK processing for ambient vibration arrays. | |
geopsy-hv | 1.0.2 | H/V spectral ratio for ambient vibrations. | |
geopsy-spac | 1.0.3 | FK processing for ambient vibration arrays. | |
Utilities | |||
GeopsyLand | 1.0.5 | Mini terminal for educational purpose under Windows. Launcher for geopsy applications. | |
gpreplace | 1.0.1 | Text replacement using regular expression. Support more features than grep or sed, it can handle patterns over several lines. | |
Waran | |||
waran | 1.1.3 | Real-time analysis of ambient vibration arrays for WARAN aquisition system | |
warangps | 1.1.4 | GPS Positioning for WARAN aquisition system. Replaces build_array for theoretical array response computation. | |
Wave tool | |||
gpdc | 1.0.5 | Computation of theoretical dispersion curves. | |
gpdcmisfit | 1.0.2 | Recomputation of misfit. Did you generate a collection of models that you want to use as the starting population for slightly different dispersion curve? No problem, correct misfits and import it. | |
gpdcreport | 1.0.6 | Query tool for binary inversion report produced by dinverdc. With option '-pm' this tool is also usefull for all report types produced by dinver (e.g. dinvermatlab, dinverext or any custom inversion plugin). | |
gpdepths | 1.0.2 | Generates standard thicknesses (that follow a gemetrical progrssion) and corresponding 1D parameterizations. | |
gpec8 | 1.0.1 | Output EC8 soil category from a 1D wave model. Classification here is based only on Vs profiles. The official classification includes other parameters not covered by this tool. | |
gpell | 1.0.4 | Computation of theoretical ellipticity curves. | |
gpgridsearch | 1.0.4 | Generates models with a grid search. | |
gpgroup2phase | 1.0.2 | Convert group velocity dispersion curves to phase velocity. Hmm! The solution is not unique. Ok this tool scans for various possibilities. | |
gplivemodel | 1.0.5 | Interactive computation of theoretical dispsersion curves, ellipticity curves,... through a graphical interface which lets you playing with cursors to adjust model parameters. | |
gpmodel2param | 1.0.2 | Transforms a 1D wave model into a ground parameterization that you can import inside Dinver (dinverdc plugin). | |
gpmt | 1.0.3 | Computation of theoretical magneto-telluric curve. | |
gpparam2model | 1.0.2 | Generate 1D wave models given a parameter set and a parameterization definition. | |
gppoisson | 2.0.1 | A memo for Poisson's ratio formula. Quick transform from Vp, Vs to nu and vice-versa. | |
gpprofile | 1.1.4 | Transform a 1D wave model into a plotable curve. Can also compute a variety of useful profiles from 1D wave models: impedance, Poisson's ration, travel time average (Vs30 or VsZ). | |
gprandom | 1.0.2 | Computes random values with ran2 (uniform probability, support for lot of computations). | |
gprefra | 1.0.2 | Computation of theoretical refraction travel times (1D model or tilted model). | |
gpsh | 1.0.3 | Computation of theoretical SH transfer function for a 1D wave model (Fortran implementation from P.-Y. Bard, LGIT). | |
gpspac | 1.0.3 | Computation of theoretical autocorrelation curves. | |
gptarget | 1.0.4 | Manipulation of dinver targets through command line. This tool can add, delete, or extract curves to or from .target files. | |
gpviewdcreport | 1.0.3 | Ploting tool for report files produced by dinverdc plugin. Provides the same output as inside Dinver graphical interface for automatic bash scripts. |