Bug 4209 :
Status: Unchecked
General information
Terminated Signal
2020-04-02 21:25:15.148
Current thread: main thread
---- thread main static double SciFigs::Font::scale(QFont &, double, bool *):131 void SciFigs::Font::setFont(QPainter &, double) const:102 int SciFigs::Axis::printThickness(int, double, QPainter *):1359 void SciFigs::AxisWindow::calcFromTotalSize(double, double, double, double &, double &, QPainter *) const:961 void SciFigs::AxisWindow::calcSize(double, double &, double &, double &, double &, double, double, QPainter *) const:718 virtual void SciFigs::AxisWindow::print(QPainter &, double, int, int, bool):616 QPixmap SciFigs::GraphicSheet::image(int):869 void SciFigs::GraphicSheet::exportImage(QString, QString, int):828 ---- thread layerPainter1 virtual void SciFigs::LayerPainterThread::run():59 ---- thread layerPainter2 virtual void SciFigs::LayerPainterThread::run():59 ---- thread layerPainter3 virtual void SciFigs::LayerPainterThread::run():59 ---- thread layerPainter4 virtual void SciFigs::LayerPainterThread::run():59 ---- thread layerPainter5 virtual void SciFigs::LayerPainterThread::run():59 ---- thread layerPainter6 virtual void SciFigs::LayerPainterThread::run():59 ---- thread layerPainter7 virtual void SciFigs::LayerPainterThread::run():59 ---- thread layerPainter8 virtual void SciFigs::LayerPainterThread::run():59
---- thread main ---- thread layerPainter1 ---- thread layerPainter2 ---- thread layerPainter3 ---- thread layerPainter4 ---- thread layerPainter5 ---- thread layerPainter6 ---- thread layerPainter7 ---- thread layerPainter8 ---- thread main ---- thread layerPainter1 ---- thread layerPainter2 ---- thread layerPainter3 ---- thread layerPainter4 ---- thread layerPainter5 ---- thread layerPainter6 ---- thread layerPainter7 ---- thread layerPainter8
Developer comments (common to all duplicates if any)
Still no comments.
Systems and versions
osx 10.15 | Qt 5.12.0 QGpCoreTools 0.0.0-snapshot-20190213 from geopsypack-0.0.0-snapshot-20190213 (built on 20190214000102 commit 665d7cc64c25712fe9846e7aaf2b2590d3ca6405) QGpGuiTools 0.0.0-snapshot-20190213 from geopsypack-0.0.0-snapshot-20190213 (built on 20190214000103 commit 5d48971dfa398e010bc05fdbedcb98d06c4f9465) QGpCoreMath 0.0.0-snapshot-20190213 from geopsypack-0.0.0-snapshot-20190213 (built on 20190214000107 commit c0d92382ec95de30e44f9c8e3769fa27ba97bf86) SciFigs 0.0.0-snapshot-20190213 from geopsypack-0.0.0-snapshot-20190213 (built on 20190214000108 commit 3951d07f0984d4169967bd437533c614a264aa05) QGpGuiMath 0.0.0-snapshot-20190213 from geopsypack-0.0.0-snapshot-20190213 (built on 20190214000112 commit 94fc415819934a0a646e0570c38d65c3622988f3) figue 0.0.0-snapshot-20190213 from geopsypack-0.0.0-snapshot-20190213 (built on 20190214000114 commit 70c50b69a68b752108d3f2f1f113763e4681e742) |
User reports and comments
4209 | 4895 | 2020-04-02 19:25:17 |