Hi Marc,
I believe that the model structure used by gpdc and other tools is
thickness vp vs rho qp qs
This seems confirmed by the test.model example.
In the online manual of gpdc it is reported
thickness vp vs rho qs qp
So the question is: the information on qp is on 5th or on 6th column ?
I believe that the model structure used by gpdc and other tools is
thickness vp vs rho qp qs
This seems confirmed by the test.model example.
In the online manual of gpdc it is reported
thickness vp vs rho qs qp
So the question is: the information on qp is on 5th or on 6th column ?
Giuseppe Di Giulio
I am using gpsh with the snapshot of May under windows.
My input file for gpsh was produced by gpviewdcreport.
I selected through gpviewdcreport an inversion report (run*_report), and with the tool export model I created the model file (it should be in attach).
This model file is correctly used as input in gpell, gpdc, and gpprofile but gpsh.
My command was
gpsh < best.model | figue -c
The figue window starts, I corrected the properties of beginning plot (x and y limits). Although this, sh model is not plotted.
My input file for gpsh was produced by gpviewdcreport.
I selected through gpviewdcreport an inversion report (run*_report), and with the tool export model I created the model file (it should be in attach).
This model file is correctly used as input in gpell, gpdc, and gpprofile but gpsh.
My command was
gpsh < best.model | figue -c
The figue window starts, I corrected the properties of beginning plot (x and y limits). Although this, sh model is not plotted.
Giuseppe Di Giulio
Re: gpdc
Hii Sir. My question is can I compute theoretical dispersion curves with higher modes for an assumed
soil profile? In gplivemodel, I can only compute theoretical dispersion curve for fundamental mode and only up to 20Hz frequency. I want to compute theoretical curve up to 60Hz with higher modes. How can I compute that? Thanking you.
soil profile? In gplivemodel, I can only compute theoretical dispersion curve for fundamental mode and only up to 20Hz frequency. I want to compute theoretical curve up to 60Hz with higher modes. How can I compute that? Thanking you.
Re: gpdc
gplivemodel has a number of command line options to change the number of modes, frequency range and the type of curve (ellipticity, phase, group,...). For more details:
If you are running it under Windows, you might experiment trouble on gplivemodel output. At least on old Windows releases (XP), when running a graphical tool like gplivemodel from a terminal no output were readable in the terminal. No work around has been found so far. The recommended terminal for Windows is MSYS (try on your favorite search engine). Under Mac and Linux, no problem, natively without MSYS.
If you want to compute dispersion curves, consider using gpdc. gpdc is a command line tool with no graphical interface that does not suffer from the problem mentioned here above. To get a full description:
A typical run for 2 Rayleigh modes can be:
To plot it directly with figue:
Code: Select all
gplivemodel -h all
If you want to compute dispersion curves, consider using gpdc. gpdc is a command line tool with no graphical interface that does not suffer from the problem mentioned here above. To get a full description:
Code: Select all
gpdc -h all
Code: Select all
gpdc test.model -R 2 > test.disp
Code: Select all
gpdc test.model -R 2 | figue -c
Re: gpdc
Hii Sir, whenever I am using the command in MSYS
"gpdc test.model -R 2 -min 5 -max 60 > test.disp"
It is showing the error
"Qt: Untested Windows version 6.2 detected!
Cannot open file test.model for reading"
I have created one test.model file following the same format mentioned in the documentation. I am
using Windows8 operating system and installed the MSYS in it. I am unable to rectify the error. Thanking you.
"gpdc test.model -R 2 -min 5 -max 60 > test.disp"
It is showing the error
"Qt: Untested Windows version 6.2 detected!
Cannot open file test.model for reading"
I have created one test.model file following the same format mentioned in the documentation. I am
using Windows8 operating system and installed the MSYS in it. I am unable to rectify the error. Thanking you.
Re: gpdc
Do not worry about this warning. Next releases supporting Qt 5 will also support windows 8 without complaining. Currently, you can still use current version on windows 8, in most cases it is OK.Qt: Untested Windows version 6.2 detected!
gpdc cannot find the file test.model. Check that it exist in the current directory. If not, provide the full path. For instance (converting C:\ into /c/, required under MSYS) :
Code: Select all
/c/Users/username/My\ Documents/test.model
Code: Select all
cd /c/Users/username/My\ Documents
gpdc test.model -R 2 -min 5 -max 60 > test.disp