If you want to get the site class after the inversion of a dispersion curve, go to the .report location and run (assuming the acceptable misfit is 1):
Code: Select all
gpdcreport *.report -m 1 | gpec8
If you want the proportion of class B models, first count the total number of models:[...]
# Layered model 10047: value=0.784913
Vs30 366.656 Class B
# Layered model 10048: value=0.692240
Vs30 393.94 Class B
# Layered model 10049: value=0.856656
Vs30 404.852 Class B
# *****************
# *****************
# We remind you that this software is released to you for free under a GNU Public
# License. If you download a binary version of this code, you can still access and
# review the code yourself available at http://www.geopsy.org . The definition of EC8
# site classes computed here above are based only on Vs30 values. Nspt, Cu and
# lithology are not taken into account.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
Code: Select all
gpdcreport *.report -m 1 | gpec8 | grep -v "#" | wc -l
Then, get the number of B models:1193
Code: Select all
gpdcreport *.report -m 1 | gpec8 | grep -v "#" | grep "Class B" | wc -l
So 74% of the models are of class B.886
If you want to get all Vs30 values:
Code: Select all
gpdcreport *.report -m 1 | gpec8 | grep -v "#" | awk '{print $2}
Code: Select all
gpdcreport *.report -m 1 | gpec8 | grep -v "#" | awk '{print $4}