Legend for time frequency analysis

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Legend for time frequency analysis

Post by eoros »

There is no Legend for "time frequency analysis" plot
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Post by admin »

Do you mean a color palette? In fact, if I remember well there is no palette automatically displayed in this tools.

I'll try to fix this point. Meanwhile, you can plot the palette manually:
  1. Go to the properties of one of the graphic content (double click or right click, menu properties)
  2. Go to Palette tab
  3. Save the palette to a temporary file
  4. Close the properties dialog box
  5. Create a new object "Palette" (menu Insert/Palette)
  6. Double click on the newly created palette
  7. Go to Palette tab
  8. Load the palette from the temporary file
  9. Close the properties dialog box
  10. Move the palette to the preferred position
Be careful that all graphs displayed in the Time Frequency Analysis result sheet have currently distinct color scales. If you want a common scale:
  1. Select all graphs
  2. Select menu "Format/Graph content properties"
  3. Go to Palette tab
  4. Set the palette you want (load/modify,... up to you)
  5. Save the palette to a temporary file (always good to recall it easily)
  6. Close the properties dialog box
The properties of the palettes inside the graphs and of the palette object are totally disconnected. If you change one, you have to update the other. When I'll modify the result sheet to add a palette, graphs and palette will be linked. In any case, if a graph is linked to a palette in the original application, when it is saved as a .page file and re-read with figue, the link is lost.

Do you think it is better to one single color palette common to all graphs or one palette per graph?
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Post by eoros »

Thanks a lot. I already used this steps. It is fine for the moment and for a few waveforms (until the palette automatically displayed solution).

I think, it is better to use one palette per graph. More, it is the best to use a vertical format of the legend/palette. Especially when the spectral values with too "long" numbers are displayed. I'm thinking about this format also for the sake of an opptimally using of the window with three graphs with three legends. And for a nicer image in our reports, papers..., too.

Best regards
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Post by admin »

I agree with you, vertical format and one per graph, this is more flexible.
Vertical color scale is an old project... never finished. Thanks to your comment, maybe this will quickly evolve.
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