gpdc -grid option

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gpdc -grid option

Post by smolnar »

gpdc -grid option outputs a grid of the wave solution, but does not plot correctly with the figue plot command, gpdc -grid R < input.model | figue -c.
Is there a *mkup page for plotting gpdc grid solutions?
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Post by admin »

figue -c accepts only XY curves through stdin

If you want to plot grids, use option -g

Code: Select all

gpdc -grid R < input.model | figue -g
The grid option for gpdc is generally reserved for debug purposes (mostly used at time of the first developments of the forward computation for dispersion curves). To view the dispersion curve from these plots you have to play with the color palette to mark somehow the zero line: either set the color around 0 contrasting with other, or set palette value from 0 to something positive or negative.

You can create your own make-up file by saving make-up from the the context menu of the graph object (lower left corner of the plot). For option -m of figue, you must create the make-up from the context menu and not from the general menu of the sheet (make-up for the general sheet and not for objects individually).
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Re: gpdc -grid option

Post by admin »

You can adjust the velocity range by using options -vn, -vmin and -vmax
It is also handy to overlay the dispersion curve found with a normal gpdc run.

Code: Select all

gpdc my.model | figue -c
Save the layers for instance in my_dc.layer

Code: Select all

gpdc -grid my.model -vn 500 -vmin 200 -vmax 300 | figue -g 
Then, append layer my_dc.layer in the GUI, or with option -append-layer my_dc.layer
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