Effectively from version 3, the generated .max files were missing a column. In your file, if you count the values in each line you have 5 values instead of 6 specified in the header line.The last column disappeared by mistake in 2011. It helps to filter results for positive or negative delay.
Code: Select all
# seconds from start | cfreq | H/V | AmpZ | AmpH | Delay
77.672 0.211349 1.47961 0.000173291 0.000256403
For next releases, the 6th column is re-introduced and
max2curve can work without the 6th column.
Currently, a simple workaround is to add a 6th column:
Code: Select all
cat youfile.max | awk '/#/{print}!/#/{print $0,0.25}' > yourfile-6.max
It can be also achieved with a spreadsheet application.
RayDec will be soon available too...I hope so. Once I'll start to work on that topic, I will certainly unify Raydec and HVTFA in a single interface to definitively get rid of max2curve.