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Parameter file for H/V batch processing

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 6:00 pm
by laleh
Hi Marc,

I have been using geopsy-hv to compute my data in batch mode. I have used the attached parameter file, but when I compare the results of .hv from command line vs using the GUI, the values are different. I get more windows numbers using the command line, I am concerned that something is wrong with my parameter file and it is not filtering the data and not applying the STA/LTA while processing h/v. Is there a line I should add or do you think this parameter file is perfectly filtering data between 1-25 hz and applying anti-triggering to the data?

Thanks a alot,

Re: Parameter file for H/V batch processing

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 3:09 pm
by admin

I tested this issue under 3.5.2 with your test.txt as parameters (only changing the time range to fit my dataset). Effectively there are some issue regarding the filter used in the anti-triggering. The results are not the same between the GUI and the command line because parameters are not correctly loaded in the command line. The dialog box to load the parameters does not provide the correct filter (now fixed).

These errors were analysed and corrected. I tested under 3.5.3-preview (next minor release) with no difference between the GUI and the command line. This is also the case for 3.6.0-preview (next major release).

Best regards,
