Command line usage

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Posts: 11
Joined: Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:00 pm

Command line usage

Post by seguuu91 »


I'm trying to run Dinver using command line.

I made .target and .param files.
Then I run a command as following;
"dinver -j 20 -target ./ -param ./trial00.param -ns {ns} -ns0 {ns0} -nr {nr} -o ./trial00"

However, it returns "dinver: bad option -target, see --help" as well as "dinver: bad option -param, see --help"

Please let me know if I've done anything wrong or if there's anything else I need to tell you.


## Version info.
geopsy --version
Qt 5.15.2
QGpCoreTools 2.4.1 from 3.4.2-preview
(commit dfac7b4dc2205e501fd42412c5281d2038666b30)
QGpGuiTools 2.4.1 from 3.4.2-preview
(commit 59782a4c579e510600bf90f355d368b0a70c9b80)
QGpCoreMath 1.4.1 from 3.4.2-preview
(commit 85b36aae01500a9f560e99838a51570cca13326f)
SciFigs 3.3.1 from 3.4.2-preview
(commit e8084e18ad59a0802cf80ba7e5f99fa2dcf656d9)
QGpGuiMath 1.3.1 from 3.4.2-preview
(commit 8e80e068f4f3b16a30e8fb8dff21177f25a58da6)
GeopsyCore 4.4.1 from 3.4.2-preview
(commit 6991560c3cf82dfd60b7b38a8a23259d1f2c6218)
GeopsyGui 3.4.0 from 3.4.2-preview
(commit d6c09f3739dd7578f652f0cf0ab2a0261abfa9bb)
GeopsySLink 2.0.3 from 3.4.2-preview
(commit 2f01f562d775a4ddcdfc6a3b388c2ecb0cbb3a9a)
GeopsySLinkGui 2.0.2 from 3.4.2-preview
(commit f6e61f2761b9ab1fa13c821e2a94732db60abf4f)
geopsy 3.3.3 from 3.4.2-preview
(commit fb3d54b85a28e6ba741794e0cb6666d0b25c0167)
Posts: 11
Joined: Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:00 pm

Re: Command line usage

Post by seguuu91 »

Dear all,

I just realized that I missed "-optimization" on the command line as well as plugin option "-i."

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