Dinver 3.4.2 ellipticity inversion

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Dinver 3.4.2 ellipticity inversion

Post by lega »

Hi marc!

I extracted experimental Rayleigh ellipticity curve using an old version of max2curve (geeopsy pack 2.10.1). I'm trying to invert the ellipticity curve using the newer version of dinver (3.4.2), however i keep on getting large misfits larger than 10 as compared to the older dinver (2.10.1) which gives misfits less than 1, when using the same parameterization.

Is it because of the parameters set when loading the ellipticity curve from the start as seen in the photo below?

Do i need to change them into - Ellipticity (H/V) and log (H/V) stddev? Or should i just retain the default setting?

Thank you so much!
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Re: Dinver 3.4.2 ellipticity inversion

Post by admin »

Do i need to change them into - Ellipticity (H/V) and log (H/V) stddev? Or should i just retain the default setting?
Probably. the output of max2curve is a plain ellipticity.

Also in the target, make sure that you invert the absolute value and not the signed ellipticity.

Best regards,

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