Geopsy tools doesn't read the *.log file

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Geopsy tools doesn't read the *.log file

Post by luigiV »

Hi Marc,
I renew a question from some time ago concerning the fact that a .log file created with Geopsy with a version later than 3.0 is no longer read by the same release after some time and after installing later versions (but I don't know if this is a determining factor). I bring you this example of a .log file created with the 3.3.2 release in 2020 September ( Today I reopen the same release and I try to reload the same time windows saved through the HV03.log file to review the H / V plot, but nothing happens (0 windows to read) and this script appears in the log window:
*********** File HV03_2679.txt ***********
Add signal id 25 to component Vertical of station hv03 at 0.00 0.00 0.00
Add signal id 26 to component North of station hv03 at 0.00 0.00 0.00
Add signal id 27 to component East of station hv03 at 0.00 0.00 0.00
expected a number between 0000 and 9999: 'SIGN'
error parsing time 'CyyyyMMddhhmmssz'
expected a number between 0000 and 9999: 'FILE'
error parsing time 'CyyyyMMddhhmmssz'
Adding windows: error reading line 'SIGNAL FILE NAME = ### temporary signal ###'
expected a number between 0000 and 9999: 'SIGN'
error parsing time 'CyyyyMMddhhmmssz'
expected a number between 0000 and 9999: 'FILE'
error parsing time 'CyyyyMMddhhmmssz'
Adding windows: error reading line 'SIGNAL FILE NAME = ### temporary signal ###'
From the image of the table (table.jpg) I seem to understand that the data format is the right one and therefore I do not understand the reason for the impossibility of being able to recover files already processed not only with subsequent releases, but not even with the creation one.
There is certainly a reason and I hope you can identify it and suggest the solution.


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