Changing the maximum (20) and minimum (0.2) frequency in the Dinver program

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Changing the maximum (20) and minimum (0.2) frequency in the Dinver program

Post by zyrokin »

Hello everybody! Recently, I have been engaged in low-depth studies of roads. I use the MASW method to determine the velocities of S waves. For modeling, I use gplivemodel in this program, I can change the frequency parameters and the number of samples using the -min -max -n function. I would like to do the same in dinver, where I can change the default settings for example from 0.2-20 to 0.5-50. I tried to understand the program code, but unfortunately I could not find the parameter responsible for setting the frequency. Thank you in advance for your answers :D
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Re: Changing the maximum (20) and minimum (0.2) frequency in the Dinver program

Post by admin »


The frequency range in dinver is controlled only by the target curve you provide. If the target curve is from 0.5 to 50 Hz, dinver will compute the theoretical dispersion curve on the same range and will provide a misfit. You can resample or cut your curve inside dinver (see details). Did I understand your question correctly?

Instead of gplivemodel, you can also use gpdc that avoids the graphical interface and provides directly the theoretical curve as a text that can be further manipulated (see "-h all" for details).

Best regards,

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Re: Changing the maximum (20) and minimum (0.2) frequency in the Dinver program

Post by zyrokin »

Thank you Marс, you helped me a lot I really just didn't understand how the program works until the end) :D
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