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Multiple Instances of Dispersion Curve Computation-Problem

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 5:10 am
by deconv

I am trying to use dispersion curve computation tools (call dispersion_curve_init, call dispersion_curve_rayleigh) in a parallel (multiple instances) Fortran 90 code. Before this, I managed to compile and succesfuly run the example - main.f without issues on a single core

However, once I compile and run the multi-core one, I get the following warning "Only one instance of Application or ApplicationCore is allowed", and the program crashes.

Is there a way to overcome this? Any suggestion is welcome.


Re: Multiple Instances of Dispersion Curve Computation-Problem

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 11:36 am
by admin

Normally call dispersion_curve_rayleigh is re-entrant and thus thread-safe
call dispersion_curve_init cannot be called several times (e.g. by several threads).
Can you try putting the init function before forking your multiple threads?


PS: answer is probably a bit late but just in case ...