SEG2 import

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SEG2 import

Post by val »


I hace some SEG-2 files from the ABEM Terraloc machine and have problems importing them into the geopsy. The files are 16384 samples long and sampling interval is 50 microseconds. However, only the first 4098 samples are read and displayed by geopsy.

I use the development version on fedora 64-bit system.

Where could be the problem?

Thank you.
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Re: SEG2 import

Post by admin »

Did you try with the testing release?
There are a number of feature that are not working properly in the devel snapshots. I'm trying to fix most of them, but it takes time.

If it does not succeed with testing release, you can post or send me a sample file. I'll try to check what's wrong.
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Re: SEG2 import

Post by val »

I've just tried to compile the testing version, but I couldn't compile it. So first I'll start an installation thread to sort it out.
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Re: SEG2 import

Post by val »

I wasn't able to compile the testing version (due to issues described in the install thread), however, I've tried now a new devel version (20130214) and I still cannot import the SEG2 files. The files are available here:

This is the original file from the seismograph (ABEM Terraloc):, where only the first 4098 samples are read.
This is the same file with headers edited with a proprietary program from Geometrics:, which can't be opened at all. However, this might be due to some errors in the Geometrics code.
And this is the the same file converted to SEG-Y file format, which Geopsy can open:, all teh 16384 samples are read without any problem.

The sampling interval is 50microseconds in all cases.
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