range of spectral amplifications in general

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range of spectral amplifications in general

Post by lakshmana9 »

1)It was mentioned in H/V user guidelines that for clear H/V peak A0 > 2. could u please explain the reason behind this.
2)what is the general range of spectral amplifications from ambient vibrations in alluvial sites composing of clay with sand ,silt,gravel with hard rock at deeper depth i.e., >1 km.
3)The predominent freequecy are in the range of 0.5 to 5 Hz and amplifications 1.5 to 8 measured using kinemetrics ranger(SS1) seismometer with altus digital recorder and processed using Geopsy are these values justifialble with above geologcal conditions.
4)P-S loggging for shear will be done later on.
pls leave ur valuable comments on the above results.awating for ur comments.

Thanking u
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