Hi I want to be able to loop through several groups using the command line, perform a spectral rotate, and then write the results to a file. I see how to go about this using the gui by right clicking on the graph and clicking "Export Values". I don't see an option for this in the help menu. I'm currently trying something like:
geopsy -db databasefile.gpy -- -tool geopsyhv -slot 3 -group "group 001group" -param parameters.log -autowin -save .
This works for slot 1 (H/V) but doesn't work here to output the text file. Is there a work around?
How to export values from Spectrum Rotate via Command Line
Re: How to export values from Spectrum Rotate via Command Line
I have the same problem. Is geopsyhv with -slot 3 supposed to write out anything?
geopsy -tool geopsyhv -slot 3 test.mseed -- -param test.log -save test -autowin
When I use the gui version and specify the output directory, no results are written either.
I'm using version geopsypack-2.10.1.
Thanks for your help!
I have the same problem. Is geopsyhv with -slot 3 supposed to write out anything?
geopsy -tool geopsyhv -slot 3 test.mseed -- -param test.log -save test -autowin
When I use the gui version and specify the output directory, no results are written either.
I'm using version geopsypack-2.10.1.
Thanks for your help!
Re: How to export values from Spectrum Rotate via Command Line
There is certainly a quick and dirty hack: add the export option by editing the C++ code. It would not be too long. The "testing" release is still available but is getting old and not running in some modern platforms. I'm currently doing all new developments on the "devel" branch. However, re-writing all those tools in Gui-less manner introduced a lot of changes everywhere and I'm not sure to be able to release something running before a few months.
There is certainly a quick and dirty hack: add the export option by editing the C++ code. It would not be too long. The "testing" release is still available but is getting old and not running in some modern platforms. I'm currently doing all new developments on the "devel" branch. However, re-writing all those tools in Gui-less manner introduced a lot of changes everywhere and I'm not sure to be able to release something running before a few months.