Dear all,
I am new using Dinver, I've been computing dispersion curves inversion with Rayleigh polarization as my dispersion curve comes from Rayleigh waves. I also have at the same place a 3C station so I could compute the HV method with geopsy software.
Now, I wanna know how to compute a Joint inversion with my Rayleigh dispersion curve and my *.hv file from geopsy to obtain a velocity model.
I haven't found any instruction about. I read other chat and found an explanation of the misfit weights in the targets tool.
- Dispersion curves
- Auto-correlation
- ellipticity peak
- ellipticity curve
What I suspect is that I have to include here both, my dispersion curves and my *.hv. If that is right, how? ellipticity peak or ellipticity curve? what about the misfit weight?
I don't know if I am in a good track, I really appreciate any answer on how to compute this and also if there is any instruction somewhere of how to set the parameters according these two constraints or any important condition I have to keep in mind.
Thank you so much for the help.