Reading Custom ASCII formats: what is the right way?

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Reading Custom ASCII formats: what is the right way?

Post by hectorhinojosa »

Hi everyone,
I have an acceleration file with multiple columns. The first column is the time (s) and the rest of the columns (10) are acceleration values (g) at various points along the surface. I tried to create my custom ASCII format in GEOPSY/Preferences/Load. The procedure seemed correct, but when importing the file a message pops-up stating that the file is "Empty" (the file actually does contains values). I am missing something... How do I set up the right format?

Please, can anyone shed some light?

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Re: Reading Custom ASCII formats: what is the right way?

Post by admin »

The custom ASCII format is still in an experimental stage.
Did you try to simply import your file, removing all header line if any?
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