I have a little problem, Can I calcolate Vs30 from a depth of -5m from ground level? whereas gpec8 calculate Vs30 from 0m (ground level)
thanks a lot
Vs30 and VsZ
Re: Vs30 and VsZ
Would you mean a Vs[5-30] instead of a Vs[30]? gprofile that does this type of calculation does not implement such case. Maybe you can build of formula from Vs[30] and Vs[5]...?
I decline all responsibility upon the usage of such formula, or simply Vs30. Use at your own risk.
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Re: Vs30 and VsZ
no, i need to calcolate Vs30 from -5m at -35m (as well as the italian law says) because the laying of foundation is placed at -5m
Re: Vs30 and VsZ
You can use the same formula, replacing Vs[30] by Vs[35]:
Vs[35] and Vs[5] are calculated with 'gpprofile' with option '-average-at'
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