max2curve k-limit filtering

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max2curve k-limit filtering

Post by mao »

Hi Marc,

I tried today the Filter button on the bottom of max2curve tool.
It behaves as expected at first glance - it removes the histogram outside the
specified k-bounds. Later I learned that this filtering is not permanent - it
seems not possible to apply gird statistics on the filtered map... the full histogram
appears again. Similar the save button saves the full information as in the original
max file... I hoped, I can remove effectively a lot from the grids and then paste them
together...( I am using sesarray-2.0.3)
Another suggestion maybe too dangerous to be abused, but it could be nice
to have a slider for kmin and kmax to adjust the lines for cutting visually and then
pass the values to the filter.

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Post by admin »

Hi Matthias,

I'm not sure but as far as I remember, the saved .max file is not exactly the same as the original. There's an additional column with 0 or 1. Can you confirm?

Yes a slider could be a nice option. I add it on the stack of TODO
Posts: 14
Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:17 pm
Location: IGUP

Post by mao »

Hi Marc,

thanks - yes finally I noticed that there was an additional column with
either 0 or 1 - thanks for the reply - I couldn't remember that I put it here on
the forum.

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