Registration process explained...

To be able to post new messages to these forums, you must first register. The short registration process is explained in this special forum.
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Registration process explained...

Post by admin »

First start the registration process from the top menu, click on Register.
Choose a user name, enter your email and a password. Your will be asked also why you are registering. After submission, your request will be reviewed by an administrator of the forum before its activation. You cannot login before your activation.

To help administrators fighting spammers, it is better to use a professional or institutional email (for instance:,,,...) and not an account like gmail, yahoo,... Once you registered, click on "contact us" at the bottom of the page and send a message explaining in a few words who you are and why you are registering. This personal information is not save nor exploited. Your justification helps separating registrations from spam bots and other annoying folks from true geophysicists. Here are examples of justifications:
I'm working as a post-doc at university of Vladivostok and I faced several problems using Geopsy software.
I'm working as a geophysicist for Toto Corporation and I'd like to have some support with MASW module.
Registrations without a related justification are deleted after 5 or 10 days.
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Re: Registration process explained...

Post by admin »

From October 2015, the question "why are you registering to" is no longer available on the registration page.

To have your account activated, click on "Contact us" and send the reason why you are registering to the administrator of this forum. Your account will be activated within a few days.
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Re: Registration process explained...

Post by admin »

From April 2020, activation justification has been added to the register form. Use it to provide the reason why you are registering instead of clicking on "Contact us".

The attached snapshot gives an example of valid answers to the register form.
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Re: Registration process explained...

Post by admin »

From November 2024, the question asked for new registrations is changed to a code that must be requested by sending an email to Marc Wathelet (his email address can be found in scientific papers when he is the corresponding author). In your message, add a justification for your registration. It helps sorting out attackers and decent users. We are sorry to makes things a bit complicated but the number of malicious attackers is not decreasing with years.

An example justification can be: "I'm a master student at the University Grenoble Alpes. I encounter difficulties in installing Geopsy for Ubuntu."

Academic or professional email addresses are preferred compared to gmail and other email services.