Dear Marc,
I am essentially trying to reproduce the figure created by the graphical interface dinver--> view-->dispersion with command lines.
My problem is that I do not know how to plot the experimental dispersion curve saved in the target file on top of the modeled dispcurves saved in the report file.
in my script, I have a row:
gpdcreport $out -pR 0 -m 0.1 | figue -mc -m Rayl.mkup -e $outnam -f jpeg
that automatically creates a plot for the best-fit dispcurves (being $out the report file and $outnam the jpg figure). I can load an plot separately the target dispcurve, e.g.:
gptarget E -disp 0 $outb | figue -c -m Rayl.mkup
but I do not know ho to plot on top of the first figure. is there an easy way?
Thank you
reproduce dinver-> vew->dispersion figure with command lines
Re: reproduce dinver-> vew->dispersion figure with command lines
Add an option to export the target curve as a .layer (mkup is useless because of the export):
Then, add this layer to your plot:
Does a similar job. The format option is mandatory for all formats except .page. The format is not deduced from the file extension like for other commands (figue, gpviewmax,...). gpviewdcreport is not using the same export facility which is now fixed for next releases.
I did not check, any feed back is welcome.
Add an option to export the target curve as a .layer (mkup is useless because of the export):
Code: Select all
gptarget E -disp 0 $outb | figue -c -e Rayl.layer
Code: Select all
gpdcreport $out -pR 0 -m 0.1 | figue -mc -m Rayl.mkup -append-layer Rayl.layer -e $outnam -f jpeg
Code: Select all
gpviewdcreport $out -m 0.1 -dispersion -target $outb -e $outnam -f jpeg
I did not check, any feed back is welcome.
Re: reproduce dinver-> vew->dispersion figure with command lines
Thank you very much Marc. Perfect. The script works fine!