No visualization of ellipticity curve

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Anis Mawadah
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2022 1:37 am

No visualization of ellipticity curve

Post by Anis Mawadah »

Dear Marc,

I'm facing trouble in inversion process. The ellipticity curve doesn't appear on my laptop, while when I run the same data on another PC, the curve appears.

Here I attached the screenshot.
no visualization.JPG
(81.42 KiB) Not downloaded yet
Kindly need your help.

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Re: No visualization of ellipticity curve

Post by admin »

Hi Anis,

The minimum misfit you reached is 1.2.
  1. Did you request a maximum misfit below this value when plotting the ellipticity results?
  2. Your target ellipticity, is it an absolute or a signed value? Plotting and target must be consistent.
  3. How did you obtain the ellipticity curve?
  4. Are you inverting only an ellipticity curve? If so, additional constrains from a dispersion curve or a narrow prior interval for shallow Vs is needed.
Best regards,
Anis Mawadah
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2022 1:37 am

Re: No visualization of ellipticity curve

Post by Anis Mawadah »

Hi Marc,

Thanks for your reply.
I try to answer your questions.

Did you request a maximum misfit below this value when plotting the ellipticity results?
- No, I didn't. I put the same misfit value when plotting.

Your target ellipticity, is it an absolute or a signed value? Plotting and target must be consistent.
- It is an absolute value and is already the same as plotting and target.

How did you obtain the ellipticity curve?
- Firstly I import the H/V curve, and then I input the parameters needed (Vp, Vs, Poisson ratio, density) and next I start to run the process.

Are you inverting only an ellipticity curve? If so, additional constrains from a dispersion curve or a narrow prior interval for shallow Vs is needed.
- Yes, only an ellipticity curve.

I don't know what exactly the problem is. I already followed the steps and did the same procedure to obtain the ellipticity curve. Sometimes the curve appears, but sometimes it doesn't.

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