Altering the curves in a .page with bash

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Altering the curves in a .page with bash

Post by admin »

We assume that a file exits and contains plots of dispersion curves , slowness versus frequency. We want to transform them into wavelength versus slowness. Additionally, we would like to smooth these curves in a "clever" way which keep the up-down traveltimes constant.

We first extract the content.xml file contained in the .page file:

Code: Select all

tar xvfpz
The content.xml file is an xml file encoded in UTF16 (unicode). With 'cat', 'awk',... unicode may not be considered properly. First we convert it to basic ascii encoding:

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iconv -f UTF16 -t ASCII contents.xml > contents-ascii.xml
All dispersion curves can be extracted from the xml content:

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cat contents-ascii.xml | awk '/[0-9\.]+ +[0-9\.]+ +[0-9\.]+/{print $0}'
The next step is to modify these parts of the xml content without touching the rest. We replace the [frequency,slowness] by [slowness, 1/(frequency*slowness)=wavelength].

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cat contents-ascii.xml | awk '/[0-9\.]+ +[0-9\.]+ +[0-9\.]+/{print $2 " " 1/($1*$2)}!/[0-9\.]+ +[0-9\.]+ +[0-9\.]+/{print $0}' > contents.xml
We re-direct everything to content.xml to build a new .page file. If the original contains other files (usually starting by bin_...) you must pack them as well in the new file. Skip 'bin_data_100*' if your original file contains no binary file.

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tar cvfpz bin_data_100* contents.xml
The created file can opened in figue:

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You may be a bit disappointed because all plots are probably blank. This is just a problem of axis limits. Change the axis properties as you want, make use of mkup files to propagate them if you have various plots. Save your changes to

Secondly, we can calculate the smoothed slowness curves keeping the traveltimes constant. We start from the last
We first extract the content.xml file contained in the .page file and convert it:

Code: Select all

tar xvfpz
iconv -f UTF16 -t ASCII contents.xml > contents-ascii.xml
We revert the sort of curves obtained so far to get increasing wavelengths:

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cat contents-ascii.xml | awk 'BEGIN{n=0}/[0-9\.]+ +[0-9\.]+ +[0-9\.]+/{x[n]=$0;n++}!/[0-9\.]+ +[0-9\.]+ +[0-9\.]+/{if (n>0){for(i=n-1;i>=0;i--)print x[i];n=0};print $0}' > tmp
We compute the smoothing itself:

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cat tmp | awk 'BEGIN{l=0;s=0}/[0-9\.]+ +[0-9\.]+ +[0-9\.]+/{nl=$2;s+=$1*(nl-l);l=nl;print s/l " " $2}!/[0-9\.]+ +[0-9\.]+ +[0-9\.]+/{s=0;l=0;print $0}' > contents.xml
The contents.xml can be converted to .page file the same way as shown above.
Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Oct 30, 2007 11:24 am
Location: University Potsdam

Converting page file from frequeny/slowness to wavelength

Post by bre »

Hi Marc,

I just tried to follow your instructions about converting the dispersion curves from the page file (for our brandnew NERIES data), but when I type the third line

cat contents-ascii.xml | awk '/[0-9\.]+ +[0-9\.]+ +[0-9\.]+/{print $2 " " 1/($1*$2)}!/[0-9\.]+ +[0-9\.]+ +[0-9\.]+/{print $0}' > contents.xml

my computer responds:

/[0: Event not found.

As I'm not so familiar with regular expressions (at least not with such complicated ones), I do not know what it does not like about the !/ stuff... Any idea? Should this work for all shells or just in bash? (Already tried both bash and csh, no difference in response).

Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Oct 30, 2007 11:24 am
Location: University Potsdam

Solution found

Post by bre »

Just found out what was the difficulty - in my bash, I need to add a space behind the "!" so the regular expression is interpreted correctly. :)

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