I write to ask for some help as I face dinver crashing, when inverting Rayleigh group dispersion curves (either from command line and/or graphical interface).
The crash happens often (but not always!) as soon as I start the inversion, either with default parameters or (most often) when customizing ns0, ns, nr.
Here is an example of command line invocation:
Code: Select all
dinver -i DispersionCurve -optimization -target target.target -param param.param -ns0 300 -ns 10000 -nr 200 -o out.report
Could you help me to interpret them? Could it be related to wrong parameter choice or to installation problems? The installation runs without errors, though presenting a number of warnings.
See at the bottom the technical details concerning installation.
Terminal output
Crash Reports---------------------- Starting at 2022-04-08 10:11:15
Num samples Monte-Carlo =300
Num samples Neighborhood =10000
Num cells to resample =200
Num cells to resample =200
Num of walks before accepting model =2
Max reject ratio before cell give up=0.9
Dimension of parameter space =16
Parameterization checksum =468020962
Total number of models =10300
Model file =out.report
Starting 4 generator thread(s)
The current model is probably not yet inside the parameter space.
Some warnings here can be ignored.
Random model generated from scratch: perfomed 2 random walk(s)
DVs3: 7500 <= 15000 <= 15000 ? oh nooo!
7500 -1.05501e-10
[stat] 103 models, 699.301 models/s, 100 active models, 0 rejected, 0 quarantined, 50 best models, best misfit 0.200298 last best inf at index 2147483647
[stat] 202 models, 763.359 models/s, 200 active models, 0 rejected, 0 quarantined, 50 best models, best misfit 0.200298 last best 0.200298 at index 2147483647
DVs3: 7500 <= 15000 <= 15000 ? oh nooo!
7500 -1.05501e-10
ASSERT: "parameterSpace.isOkDebug()" in file src/Generator.cpp, line 217
[stat] 303 models, 775.194 models/s, 300 active models, 0 rejected, 0 quarantined, 50 best models, best misfit 0.200298 last best 0.200298 at index 2147483647
Installation details<CrashReport>
<severity>--FATAL ERROR- </severity>
<message>ASSERT: "parameterSpace.isOkDebug()" in file src/Generator.cpp, line 217</message>
<time>2022-04-08 10:10:03.261</time>
QGpCoreTools::CoreApplicationPrivate::bugInfo(QGpCoreTools::Message::Severity, QString const&)
QGpCoreTools::CoreApplicationPrivate::reportBugNow(QGpCoreTools::Message::Severity, QString const&)
QGpCoreTools::CoreApplicationPrivate::messageOutput(QtMsgType, QMessageLogContext const&, QString const&)
QMessageLogger::fatal(char const*, ...) const
qt_assert_x(char const*, char const*, char const*, int)
<bugStack>---- thread main
---- thread Generator_0
---- thread Generator_1
---- thread Generator_2
---- thread Generator_3
---- thread main
---- thread Generator_0
---- thread Generator_1
---- thread Generator_2
---- thread Generator_3
<version> Qt 5.14.2
QGpCoreTools 2.3.3 from 3.3.6
(commit 3b4c18eb0438c9d4bc77fb27986c02c626cb6777)
QGpCoreMath 1.3.3 from 3.3.6
(commit 0e7194a93e8b3c08bde0bbefaf7fdcf249b0b213)
DinverCore 1.2.2 from 3.3.6
(commit 6954a46c2d4313e647c3e58c5be7295c666ef36a)
QGpGuiTools 2.3.1 from 3.3.6
(commit 4f5742969a522bbc346dee9626f4f00dcc5a8b15)
SciFigs 3.2.1 from 3.3.6
(commit b579e169b525cc9a2713fafb67be89f75be7e250)
dinver 1.1.1 from 3.3.6
(commit b3c8b6cbdc55ef0a24c1d600d6a72761d3fe6b98)
QGpCoreWave 2.1.3 from 3.3.6
(commit 92a48cb2426b950377b59b66b3d6b9c050529a72)
QGpCompatibility 1.1.0 from 3.3.6
(commit 8382c4f5667e258d058f43dacfbae725a2e00b40)
DinverGui 1.0.0 from 3.3.6
(commit 20411002660f0dddc473f90cef0266fcf1bca2f9)
QGpGuiMath 1.2.1 from 3.3.6
(commit 4a1079f2eb377eea3a7513b00e27b948dca1ae4f)
QGpGuiWave 1.1.0 from 3.3.6
(commit 4293a2d9e64bae77d078c7c45f41b76055e54105)
DinverDCCore 2.1.2 from 3.3.6
(commit d45584861107bb4308fe78acab7cf055a719a27e)
DinverDCGui 1.1.0 from 3.3.6
(commit b9e5fb338084ddcfebcc3cf12931b5a05953e7aa)
dinverdc 2.1.0 from 3.3.6
(commit 7bf797896c8ced402f6574082a4e637d2d15c1de)
<system>ubuntu 20.04</system>
<severity>--FATAL ERROR- </severity>
<message>Abort Signal</message>
<time>2022-04-08 10:10:03.536</time>
QGpCoreTools::CoreApplicationPrivate::bugInfo(QGpCoreTools::Message::Severity, QString const&)
QGpCoreTools::CoreApplicationPrivate::reportBugNow(QGpCoreTools::Message::Severity, QString const&)
qErrnoWarning(char const*, ...)
qt_assert_x(char const*, char const*, char const*, int)
<bugStack>---- thread main
---- thread Generator_0
---- thread Generator_1
---- thread Generator_2
---- thread Generator_3
---- thread main
---- thread Generator_0
---- thread Generator_1
---- thread Generator_2
---- thread Generator_3
<version> Qt 5.14.2
QGpCoreTools 2.3.3 from 3.3.6
(commit 3b4c18eb0438c9d4bc77fb27986c02c626cb6777)
QGpCoreMath 1.3.3 from 3.3.6
(commit 0e7194a93e8b3c08bde0bbefaf7fdcf249b0b213)
DinverCore 1.2.2 from 3.3.6
(commit 6954a46c2d4313e647c3e58c5be7295c666ef36a)
QGpGuiTools 2.3.1 from 3.3.6
(commit 4f5742969a522bbc346dee9626f4f00dcc5a8b15)
SciFigs 3.2.1 from 3.3.6
(commit b579e169b525cc9a2713fafb67be89f75be7e250)
dinver 1.1.1 from 3.3.6
(commit b3c8b6cbdc55ef0a24c1d600d6a72761d3fe6b98)
QGpCoreWave 2.1.3 from 3.3.6
(commit 92a48cb2426b950377b59b66b3d6b9c050529a72)
QGpCompatibility 1.1.0 from 3.3.6
(commit 8382c4f5667e258d058f43dacfbae725a2e00b40)
DinverGui 1.0.0 from 3.3.6
(commit 20411002660f0dddc473f90cef0266fcf1bca2f9)
QGpGuiMath 1.2.1 from 3.3.6
(commit 4a1079f2eb377eea3a7513b00e27b948dca1ae4f)
QGpGuiWave 1.1.0 from 3.3.6
(commit 4293a2d9e64bae77d078c7c45f41b76055e54105)
DinverDCCore 2.1.2 from 3.3.6
(commit d45584861107bb4308fe78acab7cf055a719a27e)
DinverDCGui 1.1.0 from 3.3.6
(commit b9e5fb338084ddcfebcc3cf12931b5a05953e7aa)
dinverdc 2.1.0 from 3.3.6
(commit 7bf797896c8ced402f6574082a4e637d2d15c1de)
<system>ubuntu 20.04</system>
Thank you a lot for your attention.g++ --version
g++ (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.0
gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.0
qmake -v
QMake version 3.1
Using Qt version 5.14.2 in /home/matteo/Qt/5.14.2/gcc_64/lib
source: geopsypack-src-3.3.6.tar.gz
Please, let me know if I can provide other useful information to understand what is happening.
Kind regards,
Matteo Scarponi
P.S. I obtain another crash when introducing linear gradients and the the crash report indicates segmentation fault error, but I will check it later after addressing this current problem.