Dinver Inversion Problems

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Dinver Inversion Problems

Post by Francesco_rap »

Good morning Marc, I'm facing some problems using Dinver to invert several dispersion curves through the command line (phase velocity vs period from 25s to 120s). I think that the problem could be the "parameterisation" that I'm using, because sometimes I get the "ERROR ../Generator.cpp line 217" and sometimes the bug "Bad Condition!" , and also the "ERROR: at least one valid model is required to start neighborhood". The reason why I'm obtaining these different errors is because I tried with different parameterisations but, if I do not use the simplest one (2 layers) it always fails, but the simplest one is not satisfying. The model is representative of a subduction zone and I'm trying to retrieve the slab.

Ps: when I use the command line the curve is stored in the file *.target that I wrote using gptarget, reading the frequencies and the slowness from a txt file with two columns.

one example of one of the several curves, the parameterisation is the most complex that I tried to use. Thanks
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