Choose a user name, enter your email and a password. Your will be asked also why you are registering. After submission, your request will be reviewed by an administrator of the forum before its activation. You cannot login before your activation.
To help administrators fighting spammers, it is better to use a professional or institutional email (for instance:,,,...) and not an account like gmail, yahoo,... Once you registered, click on "contact us" at the bottom of the page and send a message explaining in a few words who you are and why you are registering. This personal information is not save nor exploited. Your justification helps separating registrations from spam bots and other annoying folks from true geophysicists. Here are examples of justifications:
I'm working as a post-doc at university of Vladivostok and I faced several problems using Geopsy software.
Registrations without a related justification are deleted after 5 or 10 days.I'm working as a geophysicist for Toto Corporation and I'd like to have some support with MASW module.