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- Mon Nov 04, 2024 1:13 am
- Forum: Installation
- Topic: Installation problem
- Replies: 2
- Views: 11657
Re: Installation problem
1. Preface This is a record of how I solved my installation problem on Linux (Centos). I am using the Dinver tool to conduct NA inversion with my own forward modelling code. Through comparison with a regular NA code, I found the Dinver tool is more effective. [Btw, I wonder if the NA code in Geopsy ...
- Wed Jul 26, 2023 12:31 pm
- Forum: Dinver usage
- Topic: A Python assistant code for DinverExt Geopsy 3.3.0
- Replies: 11
- Views: 26266
Re: A Python assistant code for DinverExt Geopsy 3.3.0
Thanks, Marc! All your advice work well. I git the latest 3.5.0-preview and installed without any errors. The -clear-plugins command also works. Now I can run dinverext with 3.5.0-preview. I just realized that my previous external command is not correct. Previous external command: python3.8 /my/abso...
- Thu Jul 20, 2023 1:00 pm
- Forum: Dinver usage
- Topic: A Python assistant code for DinverExt Geopsy 3.3.0
- Replies: 11
- Views: 26266
Re: A Python assistant code for DinverExt Geopsy 3.3.0
The fresh 3.5.0-preview is okay for the Qt 5.12.12 now, while the HDF5 library still gives errors. I can make the installation done after changing the "-lhdf5_serial" to "-lhdf5" in the "configure-3.5" files of directories: geopsy-fk, geopsy-spac, geopsy-hv, geopsy, vsl...
- Wed Jul 19, 2023 12:50 pm
- Forum: Dinver usage
- Topic: A Python assistant code for DinverExt Geopsy 3.3.0
- Replies: 11
- Views: 26266
Re: A Python assistant code for DinverExt Geopsy 3.3.0
Hi Marc,
Sorry I am a bit late to answer you. I was helping my colleague installing another software these days. I will post the details given by 'diff -Naur' tomorrow if still needed.
Sorry I am a bit late to answer you. I was helping my colleague installing another software these days. I will post the details given by 'diff -Naur' tomorrow if still needed.
- Fri Jul 14, 2023 8:21 am
- Forum: Dinver usage
- Topic: A Python assistant code for DinverExt Geopsy 3.3.0
- Replies: 11
- Views: 26266
Re: A Python assistant code for DinverExt Geopsy 3.3.0
Geopsy 3.4.2 Thank you, Marc. It is working with absolute path for 3.4.2! With no need to use the Python assistant code. At first, I was only focusing on the absolute path of setting the working directory, then I realized that I have to add the absolute path in the command (e.g., 'python ${absolut_...
- Wed Jul 12, 2023 11:43 am
- Forum: Dinver usage
- Topic: A Python assistant code for DinverExt Geopsy 3.3.0
- Replies: 11
- Views: 26266
Re: A Python assistant code for DinverExt Geopsy 3.3.0
Hi Marc, If you mean the issue of not entring the sub-directories. I still have this problem with the Geopsy 3.4.2 on Linux (installed with Qt 5.12.12). This time even with my Python code it was not working. The inversion always terminated with 'Cannot find 'misfit' in sub-directories'. If I use a f...
- Tue Jul 11, 2023 12:17 pm
- Forum: Dinver usage
- Topic: A Python assistant code for DinverExt Geopsy 3.3.0
- Replies: 11
- Views: 26266
A Python assistant code for DinverExt Geopsy 3.3.0
Summary This is a Python assistant code for DinverExt Geopsy 3.3.0 which has problems on parallel computation. Why Geopsy 3.3.0 I started with Geopsy 3.4.2, but the version check told me to use Qt version >= 5.14, and thus I turned to Geopsy 3.3.0 which requires Qt 5.12. Although later I realized t...